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  • When I found Valuemart I was hooked in immediately.

    Honestly, when I found Valuemart and saw all of the products being sold I was hooked in immediately. I knew from the very start that I want to buy more products in this shop.

    All I can say with Lays Premium Black Truffle Flavor is very good. It's like eating in a fancy resto. For the other products I purchased, I really love every single one of it.

    I'll buy more once I get a bigger budget. Thank you, seller, for an amazing job! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to purchase some products soon :D

    -Kevin Guiam

    Try it today! 
  • I love how it turned out!

    Worth the price and enough to make a meal for two! Decided to make curry beef pasta for fun and i love how it turned out! :))


    Shop now 
  • Absolutely recommended!

    I have never tried a self heating meal, so I even had to watch a quick Youtube video about them. After that, I was excited to let it cook itself and eat my hot food. Considering that it was less than 100 pesos, it was great value, and the taste was good as well. Absolutely recommended!

    -Bence Manó Slemmer

    Try it today! 
  • It is now their favorite snack!

    My family loves the pork floss hopia. This is my 2nd time to order because it is now their favorite snack!

    Try it today! 
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